All Products are available while supplies last.

Saskatoon Delivery Dates Monday’s: Feb 10, March 10, April 14 at 1502 Acadia Dr (Wildwood Mennonite Church, 5-6pm. (We often come more often for other errands and deliveries, so other arrangements can be made.) Home delivery for $8.

Regina Delivery Dates, Saturday’s:Feb 8, March 8, april 12 (2nd Saturday of the month) - 2:00-3:30 pm. 200 Broad St. or home delivery for $8

Find us every Wednesday from July thru September at the Lanigan Farmers Market. 3-6pm on highway 16.

Other location deliveries (Lanigan, Watrous, Nokomis, Humboldt,) set up as ordered/needed. Our eggs are available to purchase at Nokomis Craft Ales, and Little Olive Health Store in Watrous year round (as supplies are available).

You can also shop at our online store. THE FARMERS TABLE. It is a cooperative group of farmers working together to bring a bigger selection of local foods into one shopping experience. Pick up locations in Regina, Saskatoon, Yorkton/Canora, or at Grovenland Farm (if picking up a TFT order at the farm: select Saskatoon for your location and contact us for pick arrangements.)

*Prices subject to change.